Lifepath final meeting in Geneva, March 26-27

Lifepath is coming to an end and their members are ready to present the main outcomes of the project. The final meeting will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, on March 26th and 27th, at the Foundation Louis-Jeantet, with the aim of summarizing policy-relevant science from Lifepath and identifying policy options to support a healthy life course.
Healthy ageing is an achievable goal for society and – by improving the understanding of the mechanisms through which healthy ageing pathways diverge based on socioeconomic position – Lifepath members chase two goals: to link the social and biomedical sciences to understand the causal effects of low socioeconomic position on poor health and aging; and to provide updated, relevant and innovative evidence for healthy ageing policies.
For this reason, the meeting in Geneva will be a chance to initiate an evidence-based discussion of how social variables can be used for risk identification, underpinning stratified preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. It will involve representatives from a number of stakeholders, including WHO, OECD, NGOs and Ministries of several European countries.
All the relevant information about the meeting – venue, programme, speakers – will be published on this page, which will be constantly updated.

Summary of the project results
Healthier ageing for all: 
 evidence from Lifepath Project


Fondation Louis-Jeantet | Chemin Rieu 17, Genève, Switzerland (map)

Day 1

March 26 Tuesday
8:45 AM

Welcome and Introduction

Paolo Vineis, Imperial College London

9:00 AM

Welcome address

Samia Hurst, Geneva University

9:10 AM

Vision of the European Commission on strategies on health inequalities

Beatrice Lucaroni, European Commission (slide)

9:30 AM

Vision of WHO in addressing the social determinants of health

Maria Neira, WHO, Geneva

10:00 AM

Introduction and expected outcomes

Paolo Vineis, Imperial College London (slide)

Michael Marmot, Institute of Health Equity, UCL, London

10:30 AM

Lifepath: bridging science and policy to support healthy ageing

Frances MacGuire, Institute of Health Equity, UCL, London (slide)

11:00 AM

Summary of Lifepath results presented in poster session

Oliver Robinson, Imperial College London
Dusan Petrovic, UNISANTE, Lausanne

12:00 AM

What does Lifepath evidence say about the importance of different mechanisms?

Silvia Stringhini, UNISANTE, Lausanne

Marc Chadeau-Hyam, Imperial College London

Policy discussant: Mauricio Avendano, King's College London (slide)

2:00 PM

What does LIFEPATH evidence say about when policy interventions should occur in the life-course?

Cathal McCrory, Trinity College, Dublin (slide)

Michelle Kelly-Irving, INSERM-Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier (slide)

Policy discussant: Thierry Lang, INSERM-Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier

3:00 PM

Health Impact Assessment models on health impact iof early life events and selected behavioural risk factors

Thierry Lang, INSERM-Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier (slide)
Benoit Lepage, INSERM-Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier

4:15 PM

Keynote address: Embodying injustice & the people's health: an ecosocial analysis

Nancy Krieger, Harvard University, USA

Day 2

March 27 Wednesday
9:00 AM

Keynote address: Impact of inequalities on health in the USA and the role of the Welfare State on services.

Lisa Berkman, Harvard University, USA

9:45 AM

Health inequalities in Europe and the role of the Welfare State on services.

Johan Mackenbach, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam

10:45 AM

Round table – How to translate Lifepath evidence into policy

Benoit Vallet, Cour des Comptes, Paris (slide)
Maria Neira, WHO, Geneva
Franco Sassi, Imperial College London
Thierry Lang, INSERM-Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier
Vania Putatti, EuroHealthNet, Brussels Stefano Orlando, S. Egidio NGO, Roma

 Moderator: Giuseppe Costa, Università di Torino

12:15 AM Policy conclusions
2:00 PM

Presentation of Scientific Advisory Board

What are the implications of LIFEPATH evidence for future research on lifestyle and environment related diseases?
Beatrice Fervers, Centre Léon Bérard (slide)

Expected changes in environment: challenges for life-course research on health and social differences.
Elina HemminkiNational Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki

Biological clocks
David Blane, Imperial College London

The complexity of health in older adults.
Laura Fratiglioni, Karolinska Institut, Stockholm (slide)





Publication date: 
Sunday, March 17, 2019