The poorer you are, the slower you walk, the worse you age: Lifepath newsletter issue 8

The poorer you are, the slower you walk, the worse you age - march 27
Low socioeconomic position is linked to a deterioration in the quality of ageing equivalent to a loss of 4-7 years of good physical health by age 60. This is the conclusion of a study published in the BMJ by LIFEPATH, a project funded by the European Commission, which investigates the biological pathways underlying social differences in healthy ageing. (continue to read).

Cash rewards have a positive impact on low income families' health in New York City, a study found - march 6
Lifepath announced the publication of its new study on the health impacts of Opportunity NYC–Family Rewards, a conditional cash transfer programme in New York City aimed at improving population health by making cash transfers conditional on engaging in a number of activities, including school attendance, preventive health care use and employment participation for parents. Family Rewards was the first conditional cash transfer program for low-income families in the US. The study, published in the March issue of Health Affairs, a leading health policy journal, found that Family Rewards had small but meaningful effects on the use of some preventive health services, especially dental care. In addition, the programme had a positive impact on parents’ perceptions of their health as well as their level of hope (continue to read).

Cash transfer is good for your health - march 6
Here you can find a simple infographic on how Conditional Cash Transfer works.

Give a look to our video of the project

Publication date: 
Monday, April 30, 2018